Monday, February 1, 2010


I just needed to do a quick post about how grateful I am for family. My amazing mom and sister knew I was at the end of my rope this weekend and stepped in for an intervention. I seriously owe my current sanity and happiness to them. They willingly (almost with force) came over and cleaned my entire house! I seriously owe them so much because I just couldn't do it and knew it wouldn't happen until Jonah was over if it wasn't for their help. So a big THANK YOU to them.

I am just so glad that we are put here on earth in families because I seriously don't know what I would do without mine. My mom makes us dinner every Sunday and helps us out in any way she can. My whole family is just so supportive and loving all the time. I'm thankful for a Heavenly Father that loved us enough to put us in families because they make the world a beautiful place. Anyway...

Thankfully the sun is shining today and it's going to be a beautiful day! Thanks for reading :)


  1. No one tells you about this part of being pregnant. Like the part where your body changes and your emotions and hormones are even worse. Hang it there! I took a new job being pregnant, what was I will be better when Josh is actually home and stuff. Hang it there, I'm thinking about you!

  2. Thank you! Good luck with work, I'm sure it can't be easy.
